Crefozert” creditworthiness certificate for Asseco Solutions extended again

Skills shortages, geopolitical conflicts, supply chain chaos – the pressure on companies is growing. In order to be able to keep up with current developments and remain fit for the future, the desire for sustainable digitisation initiatives and opportunities to increase efficiency – also through cutting-edge technologies such as AI – is high among many companies. ERP providers are thus challenged to meet these requirements through continuous innovation. A task that can hardly be accomplished without a solid financial basis.

Asseco Solutions from Karlsruhe has the best prerequisites in this area: Last year, the credit agency Creditreform once again subjected the ERP specialist to the examination for the award of the renowned creditworthiness certificate “CrefoZert“. Asseco fulfilled all relevant criteria and is now pleased to have received the independent certification for the eighth time in a row. The seal of approval, which is valid until the end of 2023, certifies that the company has a “good” balance sheet creditworthiness based on the last annual financial statements and thus a “very low to low” insolvency risk.

“Innovation needs consistency – I am deeply convinced of that. If you want to grow and develop constantly, you need a solid, reliable ecosystem that can withstand external shocks,” says Sascha Wellershoff, Chief Financial Officer of Asseco Solutions. “In order to remain successful even in volatile and entrepreneurially challenging times like these, clients therefore need a reliable partner at their side who is characterised by continuity and consistency. Asseco Solutions is just that: this latest – and eighth – renewal of the CrefoZert is a wonderful testament to the solid foundation on which our clients can always rely.”

Multi-stage test procedure

The Creditreform certification, which was launched in 2009, is awarded on the basis of a multi-stage examination. The creditworthiness index plays a central role here. It indicates how certain it is that payment obligations will be met on time and in full. In addition, the experts analyse the balance sheet creditworthiness by reviewing the current annual financial statements for completeness and results.

Finally, future prospects are also included in the certification. They are identified in an analytical discussion with the management and subsequently assessed. Only companies that fully meet all three assessment criteria receive the “CrefoZert”. Due to these strict requirements, only about two percent of German companies pass the test procedure.

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